Today I spent the day at the Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Outpatient Unit. Thank goodness this place is not too far outside of our bubble. I know going to a hospital is never fun, but today was definitely the best experience I have had in an acute care hospital. The nurses, physicians, admission team, anesthesiologists/nurse anesthesists, and recovery room team are just great at what they do. They take care of kids and their worried parents.
Here is my experience in a nutshell. A parking lot attendant offered us a ride from our car and then we were greeted by volunteers at the door who were eager to help. We dropped by the physician's office and were swiftly handled and off to outpatient surgery we went. We waited no more than ten minutes before admissions checked in my child. Before I could finish filling out a questionnaire, we were called back to the room. There was never a lull in service or a delay. One nurse or doctor after another moved us through the red tape and into the surgery unit.
After the procedure, I met with the physician who had pictures in hand (and good news). He thoroughly explained that all of our concerns had been answered and he'd have biopsy results in a few days. Again within minutes I was with my child in recovery. Did you know they have an ICEE machine in recovery for the kids? Cool!
Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt is a model to how a hospital should function. This would be a great place to volunteer and get outside the bubble. What a beautifully run organization from its decor to its decorum. Several of my friends within the bubble have worked hard to help raise funds for this hospital and now I see their passion has been well placed.
Consider the difference you might make in a child or parent's life. Here is the volunteer link to the Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt: http://www.vanderbiltchildrens.com/interior.php?mid=109
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