Several families I am acquainted with in Brentwood have greatly benefited from Miriam's Promise through the adoption process. These families hold this agency close to their hearts and continue to take an active role in their fundraising efforts in the hopes of helping other families. One board member became involved not through adoption, but in her interest to assist with adoption and hopefully help stop unnecessary abortions. But for whatever reason one might serve this agency, many volunteers are needed to keep this service available. It is a place of hope and peace, and a place where you can watch the miracle of families happen.
Here are several ways you can volunteer:
Miriam's Promise has been extremely blessed by the generosity of many local churches and civic groups. They regularly receive donations of infant clothing and baby care items for our clothing closet. These items are given to our clients and to other organizations that serve young moms. These gifts must be organized into bins by size, sex, and type so that these items can be easily found by counselors. Volunteers who could do this task are needed on a regular basis.
Babysitting for support groups is another way to volunteer. Approximately 16 ongoing support groups occur each year for adoptive families of older children, trans-racial families, waiting families, and birthparents. Many of these families have very small children who need babysitting services during the monthly support group in which their parents are involved.

Miriam's Promise holds two major fundraising events each year. In the spring, they have a dinner, art show, and live auction called Pasta and Promises. The artists selling at this event donate a portion of their proceeds to Miriam's Promise. Volunteer duties include tasks such as logistics, catering, decoration, artist development, silent and live auction, ticket and table sales, and communications.
In the fall, a team Golf Challenge is hosted by Miriam's Promise. For the Golf Challenge, players raise money before the date of the tournament, and then play golf and receive prizes based on how much they raised. Volunteers are vital to make these events a success. Miriam's Promise need help with pre-events, sponsorship development, prize development, catering, and "day-of-event" needs such as registration, golfer relations, beverage cart drivers, and accounting of contributions and pledges.
Volunteers are also needed in specific technical areas such as marketing brochure development, client information systems, and archiving closing records for adoptions. If you would like to know more about helping Miriam's Promise, please check out their website http://www.miriamspromise.org/ and check the "How You Can Help" section. You can also call their office, located at 522 Russell St., at 292-3500.
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